Friday, October 20, 2006

i am a Dalit. how are you?

i am very sad after watching this 'video showing the dalits in India'. this is the real india. most of us does not even know that this is happening in india. i request all the people to link to this video and let others (indians) know where we are living.
why is media not acting on any of this issues. why am i so ignorant of the things going around me. why do the news 'google acquiring youtube ' reached me so fastly than the news of a 12 year old dalit girl raped at few kms away.
where are we going???

if these goes on like this we dont require groups from other country to Hate India.
Even courts turn blind eye?
courts have time to screen the movies. but they dont have time, money, resources nor will to care for the poor.
whether you agree or not, untouchability has still its roots in India

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yet another atrocity !!!,000600030006.htm


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