Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Why do we do what we do.

Why do I do what I do.

Will I be the same person if born in another country and grown up some where else. Do then also I do what I do now. Then, all my actions are predefined in my complex brain. I am the one like that defined robot with defined output. But I am not like that. I am sure I will be different person than what I am now. so there is something external which drives my behaviour. So I will not be the same person if born in different time.

If the ‘me’ now is because of what my parents , teachers, friends and society are, then what is the significance for me? So, my child is a subset to me and I am not responsible for my actions. I am behaving like this because of the inputs given by the people around me. Then who are the one driving the people around me. What happens if i am left now at a place where no other being exists then there will be no change in my behaviour. No, I know it will change

What did I understand from this? I am like this not because of my parents, teachers nor because of what I am taught nor I am independent of the things around me.
I understand that every human being is a complex mirror which absorbs some of the light and reflects some. In the process the reflection changes with that of the light absorbed so far and by each day the composition gets so complex to explain.

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